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Promo Pushes

Send out promotional web push notifications to drive sales for your Shopify store.

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago

Send mass promo pushes to all your subscribers.

Promo pushes provide you with a great way to offer special discounts and offer to all your subscribers in one go.
These pushes are the main sales driver that you have in your Firepush arsenal. The key is to send them not only once, but multiple times. Firepush makes it easy for you here, as you can schedule time, day and frequency when you set your Promo push, and Firepush will do the rest.  

How often should I send Promo Pushes?
We recommend that you send at least one promo push each day.

How to set up your promo pushes?
Firepush gives you the opportunity to make each of your Promo pushes uniquely your own. You can add:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Icon (192x192px)

  • CTA button

And can then time each push to repeat if you want to boost its effectiveness.

You can also schedule the push to be sent immediately or at a specified future time.

We track every every push, giving you a breakdown of

  • Clicks generated

  • Orders generated 

  • Revenue generated

You can then use this hard data to a/b test and optimise your pushes..

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